Other Information


Team Management

  • All ambassadors are supervised by a staff member, the Director of External Engagement, who is the founding director of the ambassador program.
  • Two student workers are delegated to lead two committees:
    • A program manager (Chief or Vice Chief) leads the podcast committee.
    • A program manager (Chief or Vice Chief) leads the events committee.

Probationary Period

  • All newly appointed ambassadors undergo a probationary period during their first quarter of service.
  • Ambassadors will undergo a performance appraisal at the conclusion of their probationary quarter as well as on an ongoing basis.
  • All ambassadors must furnish at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA by the end of their first quarter as an ambassador. 

Dress Code

Business professional is the default attire for ambassadors at ambassadorial functions involving special guests of the School, unless otherwise noted. Ambassadors are expected to strive to be the best dressed in any given room, regardless of how others are attired. Ambassadors are expected to present polished, sophisticated, and professional looks to best represent the School.

External Commitments and Leaves of Absence

  • Ambassadors are expected to prioritize the program when entering into other commitments. Taking a break from the program during the academic year is not allowed.
  • Ambassadors are discouraged from participating in other ambassador programs; if you are passionate about joining another ambassador program, you must propose a time management plan to the Director of External Engagement.
  • Ambassadors are encouraged to undertake UCDC, UC Sacramento, or Study Abroad during the summer quarters.
    • Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis by the Director of External Engagement, taking into account whether a proposed leave during a non-summer quarter would lead to decrease in coverage of ambassadorial events and/or negligence in committee work.
  • By serving in the executive branch, ambassadors cannot concurrently serve in a legislative capacity or student government capacity such as ASUCR or UCR GSA or any other capacity as a representative of the SPP student population. Doing so would be a conflict of interest (cf. how U.S. Ambassadors cannot concurrently serve as a U.S. Senator, as they serve in different branches of government).


  • Ambassadors may be dismissed from the program due to unsatisfactory academic performance, lack of participation, lack of adherence to the program's shared values and/or policies and procedures, or any gross misconduct (e.g. plagiarism, breach of confidentiality, violence, sexual harassment, etc.), at the discretion of the Director of External Engagement and Leadership.
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